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Cycling Tours!!! are you a biker? Looking for an adventure, a thrilling one? Here we got you covered. Book with us a cycling tour to explore Rwanda on the bike. Explore the countryside with us on your own pace and you site beyond what you can see while in the vehicle. Exploring a destination by bicycle allows you to really experience a region and immerse yourself in the sights, sounds and scents of a place. On bike tour, we take care of all the details — all you have to do is pedal! To guarantee high quality equipment, most scenic routes, excellent accommodation and dedicated tour support.

cycling holidays

Some of our cycling tours are combined with part of the safari packages, whereby your transported on the vehicle and at some points, you get on the two-wheel pedal and get going. A great mix of challenging biking options for less enthusiastic riders and a great mix of tours and interesting spots along the way.

Ride the finest cycling holidays routes in the region with skilled guides leading the way, you can visit the countryside like a tour to Lake Kivu area, Musanze areas, Kigali city tour and visit the genocide memorial grounds on the bike, go trek the gorillas with while transferring to the starting point with pedaling adventure, or explore other sites within Rwanda on the pedal.
You can as well head for gorilla safaris at Volcano National Park on a bike and trek while biking, slope to Lake Kivu while pedaling or visit Nyungwe National Park as well as Akagera National Park while pedaling. We have senior guides who move alongside you either on the vehicle or pedaling together.

cycling holidays Equipment’s

Bicycles selected specifically for each trip so you can experience the ride most comfortable Full vehicle support while cycling – ride as much or as little as you’d like. Additional mileage options most days, for those bike riders seeking more time in the saddle. We think the worlds at its best when there’s nothing between it and you. No big bus windows. No stress of sitting. No maps or walls or guidebooks. Just the wind and the open road for you to ride as you keep your eyes at anything that pass by. There’s a nice simplicity to cycling. You start at A and slowly ride your way to B, powered by nothing but your own legs… it’s fun here. Let’s pedal together and have the adventure fun with us. Can you already feel the wind in your hair and the sun on your face? Welcome to Africa.

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